Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Waste is a matter of opinion

Old Dominion Currently sends its waste water to a plant in a different location of Norfolk. Imagen our very own waste water treatment facility. Now many people are hesitant because of the word waste. But in fact these waste water treatment facilities are what makes this countries water supply semi-sustainable. If ODU was to build our very own waste water treatment facility then all of our waste water would be cleaned and purified right here by campus removing our impact on the city of Norfolk. The ability to have our own waste water treatment facility would create a recyclable system that we could call our very own. By treating and cleaning all of our own water we would have our own system of sustainable water usage. In doing so, there would become a conservation of water because every gallon of water we use would, we would be able to call it our very own since it was treated and cleaned right here at Old Dominion.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

In our time together we figured out what connects us to this class. We each have our own ever developing paths that we have set ourselves on. We are not set into a type group, we are not engineers or biologists, we are independent and open to new ways of thinking and working out problems on our own. Ever developing~ like technology and science in this new day in age. 
On the 19th of July we will be presenting the content of chapter eight to the class. We will come up with a constructive way to present the material to the class that is interesting and related to an everyday lesson in technology.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

Okay so here we go, first group meeting outside of class occurred via email communications~ not super exciting I know, not to worry though because there were surely be more opportunities to meet up and discuss class matters.
First thing to establish is the schedule, each of us have conflicting after class activities and we need to work out a good meeting time.
For Shane and Cal we have a busy schedule as members of the football team. Monday through Friday we are booked solid until 4pm. Weekends are free except for the occasional Saturday morning work outs, but we will notify anyone if this comes up. Feel free to contact us via email.
Cal- ccook040@odu.edu
In our time together we figured out what connects us to this class. We each have our own ever developing paths that we have set ourselves on. We are not set into a type group, we are not engineers or biologists, we are independent and open to new ways of thinking and working out problems on our own. Ever developing~ like technology and science in this new day in age. 
On the 19th of July we will be presenting the content of chapter eight to the class. We will come up with a constructive way to present the material to the class that is interesting and related to an everyday lesson in technology.

Shane and Cal

iSmarts Assemble!!

Okay so here we go, first group meeting outside of class occurred via email communications~ not super exciting I know, not to worry though because there were surely be more opportunities to meet up and discuss class matters.
First thing to establish is the schedule, each of us have conflicting after class activities and we need to work out a good meeting time.
For me, I am free most everyday after class, my schedule is very flexible. I work Fridays and Saturdays, sometimes Sundays, in the morning to mid afternoon. Wednesdays I'm not as available, but I can talk right after class then.

In our time together we figured out what connects us to this class. We each have our own ever developing paths that we have set ourselves on. We are not set into a type group, we are not engineers or biologists, we are independent and open to new ways of thinking and working out problems on our own. Ever developing~ like technology and science in this new day in age.

On the 19th of July we will be presenting the content of chapter eight to the class. We will come up with a constructive way to present the material to the class that is interesting and related to an everyday lesson in technology.


Monday, July 2, 2012

STEM 110t: Extended deadline for blog posts today

All - as I mentioned in class today, I'm extending the deadline to have your group blog and class blog posts published as detailed in the assessment guidelines. Your two posts (individual and group) must be published by 11:55pm tonight (Monday). Posts made thereafter will counted as late.
After today's class I expect that everyone is now relatively familiar with the process of creating and publishing a new blog post. If you still need help, check the Blogger Help page on our class blog.
Things to fix:
Some of you published your blog posts to the to the wrong blog and/or wrote a comment to an existing post rather than creating your own post. Please double check that any submissions you made follow the guidelines precisely.
Make sure you only used the tags (labels) specified in the guideilnes. Two labels on the class blog (stem110t and problem) need to be removed by the person who used them.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Team Comes First

June 28th was the first day our group was able to spend time conversing. Initial ice breaking conversation came as a breeze. We didn't find there to be any struggle coming up with a group name or what we had in common. Life is short and problems are undeniable but we all seem to approach problems and difficulties day by day, one at a time.
How does your chosen profession (or the one you think you want to pursue) "see" a problem"?  
Although I have not decided what career field I will pursue, I would like to enter some sort of business. Many people in the business world approach things differently. Tactical and logical explanations for why events happen and how they should be solved seem to be an appropriate description for how people in the business industry “see” problems. There are endless possibilities for business in modern society, which means there are endless possibilities for problems. I do not believe that you can always specify how one business person views a problem compared to another. Most commonly the view is logical and strategical based on the situation. The company would almost always come first making these “business people” a so called team player.

Team First

On the 28th me and my fellow group members had our first ice breaking conversation.We also came up with a group name that describes every member in our group and told why we were satisfied with the group name. We discussed our outlooks on life,and how we would handle our situations. Later on in our discussion I found out that we all had something in common and the way we looked and handled things day by day.  

 How does your chosen profession (or the one you think you want to pursue) "see" a problem"?  In my chosen profession if I was to come across a problem I would see it as an injured athlete or an athlete that is new to the game. In other words, I would find solutions to make the problems better day by day. OR even try to learn from these problems so that if they were to come across me again one day, it will not be so much of a problem. 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Houston, We Have a Problem

On the 28th, we had our first group discussion. We were to figure out how each of us were connected, how we worked out problems, and to come up with a decent group name. We also talked about how we look at things in the world, what framed our perspectives on life and how the world works. I found that we all shared a similar reflection on working out problems and taking each day one day at a time.

How does your chosen profession (or the one you think you want to pursue) "see" a problem"? 
In my chosen profession, if I came upon a problem, I would see it as a puzzle and try to solve it in the best way possible. Having different perspectives on a problem can help you open your eyes to see new ways of fixing and solving. So trying to be open minded and positive can help bring about a good outcome. If discouraged, as some might get when challenged with a difficult problem, try try again, and as always keep an open mind and eye out for new possibilities. 

                                                        photo credit: observando.net (tumblr)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Welcome to Your New Group Blog

Here's what you now need to do:
After each of you completes this first post, I'll enter your grades (see the guidelines for criteria). Then, I'll promote your roles from Authors to Admins so you have more control over design, layout, and features. In addition to the required postings and pages that we'll discuss later, you can post to your group blog as often as you like anything else related to what you're learning. Share ideas, notes, pictures, videos, links to other sites, etc. This is your space to explore and collaborate.
Have fun, and good luck! - Michael